Auto populating an AutoForm using information from a different AutoForm/Collection

I am using AutoForm so users can submit posts and it will be dynamically routed to a URL using the AutoForm _id. I want to create a way to report a post now. I am looking for a way to make a new AutoForm that auto populates with the title of the post.

For example:
A user submits a post titled “cat” on success it redirects them to a URL called: which displays the post.
at the bottom of the page there is a report this post link, it brings down a modal that has a AutoForm with reason to report.
It also auto populates the title “cat”

so far my schema looks as followed:

postReportsSchema  = new SimpleSchema({
  ID: {
    label: "Title",
    type: String,
    autoform: {
      options: function () {
        return posts.find({}, {fields: {title: 1}}).map(function (c){
        return {label: c.title, value: c._id};
  reason: {
    type: String,
    allowedValues: ['copyright', 'plagiarism', 'spam or misleading'],
    autoform: {
      options: function () {
        return['copyright', 'plagiarism', 'spam or misleading'], function (c, i) {
          return {label: "Report " + i + ": " + c, value: c};

This works somewhat but the user has to manually select the title of the post I am looking for a way to automate it.

Any help is greatly appreciated.