Autoform checkbox schema type Boolean error


Why is my form throws an error on my checkbox even if I checked one of the options?

I have this on my schema:

products: {
    type: Boolean,
    optional: true,
    autoform: {
      'formgroup-class': 'col-xs-10 col-sm-6',
      type: "select-checkbox-inline",
      options: function () {
        return Products.find().map( function ( product ) {
          return {
            value: product._id
        } );

the checkboxes are correctly generated on my form from my Products collection.
Upon submission it throws validation error even if I’ve checked one of the products, it throws this error

Products must be a boolean

here’s on my template:

{{> afQuickField name="products" }}

What is the proper type for this type of field? or what is the best approach on this matter?

Thanks in advance.

I have a similar problem:
No matter what I declare in type, String, Array, Boolean, Number, it always says that the type has to be one of the defined. Like if i select string it wants from me string …

The method that used in many examples such as [String] simply throws error

categories: {
  label: "kategorie",
   type: String,
  optional: true,
  allowedValues: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
  autoform: {
    type: "select-checkbox",
    defaultValue: [1,3],
    options: function() {
      return [
      { label: "kncrt",    value: 1 },
      { label: "vrnsg",    value: 2 },
      { label: "prkjc",    value: 3 },
      { label: "dvdl",     value: 4 },
      { label: "prfrmnc",  value: 5 },
      { label: "tnc",      value: 6 },
      { label: "wrkrshp",  value: 7 },
      { label: "nzrzn",    value: 8 }

{{> afFormGroup name="categories" type="select-checkbox" }}

even if you try the demo fields
and select the checkbox, > select some value and submit, it throws the error

for now I end up with select2


categories: {
    type: Array,
    autoform: {
      type: 'select2',
      options: function() {
        return [
        { label: "kncrt",    value: "kncrt" },
        { label: "vrnsg",    value: "vrnsg" },
        { label: "prkjc",    value: "prkjc" },
        { label: "dvdl",     value: "dvdl" },
        { label: "prfrmnc",  value: "prfrmnc" },
        { label: "tnc",      value: "tnc" },
        { label: "wrkrshp",  value: "wrkrshp" },
        { label: "nzrzn",    value: "nzrzn" }
      afFieldInput: {
        multiple: true
  'categories.$': String