Autoform nested category and sub category select options

I am using autoform + simple schema to generate a form field like this…


Ingredients.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
  category: {
    type: String,
    label: "Category",
    optional: true,


{{> afQuickField name='category' options=ingredientsCatsOptions}}


    ingredientsCatsOptions: function() {
    return ingredientsCats.find({}, {fields: {ingredientCatName: 1}}).map(function (c){
        return {label: c.ingredientCatName, value: c._id};

This is all working fine however, my categories can be parent categories or subcategories and I would like the drop down selection to represent the tree structure of the categories.

Doing what’s suggested here works to generate a drop down selection showing the nested categories but I am unsure how to generate it from autoform instead of using a template.

I guess what I am asking is how can I replace this…

{{> afQuickField name='category' options=ingredientsCatsOptions}}

with this…

<select id="category" name="category" class="category">
  <option value="">--Select--</option>
  {{#each get_categories}}
    <option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>

and still have it work properly with autoform?


I use the autoform option of SimpleSchema and reactivity for it, with the help of some global Session variables. Here is an example

Schemas.ProductDescription = new SimpleSchema({
  name: {
   label: 'Product Name',
   type: String,
  type: {
   type: String,
  subtype: {
   type: String,
   autoform: {
    options: function() {
      var options = [];
      var pa = Session.get('SchemasProductBusinessType');
      var pt = Session.get('SchemasProductType');
      if(pt) {
       var BT = BusinessTypes.findOne({value: pa, '': pt});
       if(BT && BT.children)
         if( == pt)
          options =,function(t){return {label: t,value: t}});
      return options;