Autoform on submit message


I am following this guide to add a “submitted successfully” message on submit, but it’s not working. Under my client code, I have

import { AutoForm } from 'meteor/aldeed:autoform';

if(Meteor.isClient) {
    AutoForm.addHooks(null, hooksObject);

    var hooksObject = {
          onSubmit: function(insertDoc, updateDoc, currentDoc) {
    // You must call this.done()!
    //this.done(); // submitted successfully, call onSuccess
    //this.done(new Error('foo')); // failed to submit, call onError with the provided error
    //this.done(null, "foo"); // submitted successfully, call onSuccess with `result` arg set to "foo"

I don’t really understand what to put inside var hookObjects{ } in order to show a simple “Submitted” message after the form is submitted? Also I’m getting this error in the console irrespective of what I put inside var hooksObect { }:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘before’ of undefined
at Object.addHooksToList (autoform-hooks.js:26)
at Object.autoFormAddHooks [as addHooks] (autoform-api.js:30)
at meteorInstall.imports.ui.getlogins.js (getlogins.js:1707)
at fileEvaluate (install.js:153)
at Module.require (install.js:82)
at Module.Mp.import (runtime.js:70)
at meteorInstall.client.main.js (main.js:1)
at fileEvaluate (install.js:153)
at require (install.js:82)
at main.js:1

bump…anyone have any experience with this?

Use onSuccess instead of onSubmit.

AutoForm.addHooks(null, {
  onSuccess: function() {

The onSubmit hook is used for “non-collection” forms. It only fires when the form type is “normal” or when the form has no “type” attribute. See the docs for the normal form type for more information about when and how to use the onSubmit hook.