Autoupdater for meteor-desktop fails - [autoupdate] Download failure: cp: no such file or directory

We’re having problems with the autoupdater of ElectronJS when using the meteor-desktop app.

Once again, it’s not working and we now have users more than 3 versions back which obviously creates problems as we changed remote calls and method calls (thus parameters are different as our backend app always runs the latest version vs Electron client app which runs an old one).

Has anyone run into this problem as well? We record the following errors in our log file:

console error: [autoupdate] Download failure: cp: no such file or directory: C:\Users\max\AppData\Roaming\\versions\5b4355e8b09053fc1ad4db1a3bb5f47d53ec59c6\app\fonts\fontawesome-webfont.svg

can be any file name BTW, here’s a different one:

console error: [autoupdate] Download failure: failed at injecting isDesktop and writing to disk: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/andreaswest/Library/Application Support/'

or this:

console error: [autoupdate] Download failure: failed at injecting isDesktop and writing to disk: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\gotha\AppData\Roaming\\versions\Downloading\index.html'

Seems all 44 errors we had the last 24h are these 3 files. No idea how to solve this but I personally can download without problems (on macOS). Most if not all users above are Windows users but we also have Windows users that have no problem and downloaded the new version without a problem. So really puzzled as to why it fails sometimes and works on other occassions.

Thanks in advance for your help!