Avion | No More Traditional Post-Its πŸ“

Hey everyone,

We are excited to share another Meteor success story from our friends at Avion!

With a combined experience of 20+ years building digital products, Tim Ramage and James Sear recognized the inadequacy of online tooling available in user story mapping which led them to build Avion - an intuitive and user-focused story mapping tool with real-time capabilities.

Avion had a great year of growth in 2020 which ended with them securing a seed round of investment from Haatch Ventures who work with Marvel and Poplar.

If you’re interested in learning more about their story, click here to read our blog post.

We can’t wait to see what Avion will achieve in 2021 and beyond!


Interesting product, congrats to the guys at Avion on the seed round!


Congratulations! I found an interesting part in the blog article

The Avion team takes advantage of a custom setup to consume Meteor publications in their React app, which leverages MobX for super fast state diffing and data management.

I would be really interested in some technical article about this one.


Maybe we should interview them in our podcast, yes, we are going to have interviews as well :wink: