Avoid reloading data to the controls during routes

I have Meteor.call method on template onCreated method, which basically gets the data from an api to load a dropdown control however when i route to other view and comeback it makes an api call again. How to avoid these sorry i couldn’t get much info on this.

Please help.

Sample code of my client onCreated and helpers

On my client,

Template.userForm.onCreated(function userFormOnCreated() {

const template = this;
template.loadCountry = new ReactiveVar(null);

Meteor.call(‘loadCountries’, function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
} else {

countryList: function () {
return Template.instance().loadCountry.get();


That’s the expected behaviour, given you’ve bound the ReactiveVar to the Template.onCreated context. Whenever the template is created, a “fresh” ReactiveVar is used. That means it’s not possible to guard-code around this, unless you move the ReactiveVar into a common, higher-level context (the easiest one being window):

Template.userForm.onCreated(function userFormOnCreated() {

if (! window.loadCountry) {
  window.loadCountry = new ReactiveVar(null);
  Meteor.call('loadCountries', function (err, resp) {
    if (err) {
    } else {

  countryList: function () {
    return window.loadCountry.get();

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You can you Session to this case. It is reactive behavior too.

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Thanks very much for the approaches you guys shared. Much appreciated.

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