Awesome-Meteor Github repo

I’m getting a lot of questions (and I’m sure you all are) about where to go after finishing the first tutorial.
So there are useful links in the end step -
and also there is the official resources page -

But I’ve also saw that our Awesome-Meteor repo (which a lot of people are getting into through other “Awesome” repos) is not that updated.
It’s creator @gillesfabio offered me to take over and I gladly did.
So I organized it a bit better and more similar to the way other “awesome” repos are organized (mostly to make people from outside of Meteor feel comfortable).
But I still need your help in pull requesting and updating your favorite packages and resources in there:

Few important points:

  1. This is not an official MDG repo! just my own urge to make it look nicer
  2. Don’t feel offended if your package or site in not in there, I just started it a few days ago so just add it as a pull request with the missing thing

Thanks and let me know if you think this is unnecessary or any other feedback!