😎 Awesome Meteor List

Meteor Vue with HMR: https://github.com/meteor-vue/vue-meteor


Adding LessWrong 2.0 to Open Source

Awesome discussion space, specially in the age of false information, build with Vulcan which is built on Meteor.

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FYI: The build client package is currently refined and released as 1.0 by @dr.dimitru who took over maintenance.

Please also add Meteor files which is also actively maintained by @dr.dimitru


Also another question: will this list be curated on GitHub later on?


@jkuester thanks for the suggestion, I’ve added Meteor files, it is really awesome! @dr.dimitru consider applying for Github sponser, and adding your packages to the community packaegs.

Yes, that was the plan, but I’m thinking it is good to have it running in the forum for some time so we collect input and engage the community, and then I think it is good to add to the community sites and GitHub.

I’m seeing another advantage in having it in the forum, we’re getting indirect analytics on the interest based on the links count click, can we do something like that in Github?

For the others, if you have a package or a meteor related resource that you like to share, do let us know so we can add it.

Adding Meteor GitHub sponser to the list.

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Adding Meteor SwiftDDP.

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Adding recent PWA resources:



Adding Make CLI to tools


Make-CLI has one main goal – provide simple tools to create structure for your application in a repeatable manner. This is the nature of scaffolding.


Adding Scaling & performance best practices thread to the resources section.

Meteor Scaling/Performance Best Practices

The performance thread will later be converted to a guide or github book/wiki, right now we just need to consolidate the community knowledge, so please share what you know.


SimpleSchema - https://github.com/aldeed/simpl-schema by @aldeed
simple:rest (REST for Meteor) - https://github.com/stubailo/meteor-rest

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Thanks @afrokick

I’ve added GraphQL and Meteor Rest to the data layer section and simple schema to the technology section.

It is really impressive how much the community have built around Meteor! let me know if there anything else you would like to add


Adding Meteor Community Organization Sponsor:

Is the SQL integration still current? I had a play recently, and couldn’t get it to work with the latest Meteor release, and gave up disappointed. Does anyone have anything current?


Did you reach out to @vlasky? he might be able to help.

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Are you using vlasky:mysql? What issue are you having?

We are actively using and maintaining Meteor Azure for hosting on App Service. It supports zero-downtime and parallel multi-region deployments.


Thanks Rami, I will add Meteor Azure, it is surely awesome!

With that said, I’d also encourage folks to go with Galaxy as it is picking up more features specific to Meteor (such as changing the settings, notifications, GraphQL API, scaling rules, Meteor specific monitoring etc. and has a more predictable pricing model) and equally important that it will fund further development in the Meteor ecosystem.

If you’re profitable and hosting elsewhere, then I’d ecnourge you (and others) to sponsor the community (pay what your business can afford). We want to keep Meteor thriving and growing for years to come.

Let us know if there are other package or resources you would like to share.

@vlasky I looked around for a sample project to run up and poke around with - perhaps a bit lazy on my part.
I tried a couple of old examples, but they didn’t work. Can you suggest a good starting point, or should it all just work ‘out of the box’ ?

I wonder if it should be a pull request to https://project-awesome.org/Urigo/awesome-meteor