Best approach to develop WebApp and MobileApp in the same project

Hi people,

I am considering using Meteor to develop a project for a client, where I need to develop a web and mobile application. I was thinking about using a monorepo and React/React Native to develop both projects but I am not sure. Any thougths?

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One big advantage is that React Native works with the exact same concepts as React. However, you can’t reuse react components or effects necessarily in React Native. It works for some code, but don’t assume it.

In your situation I would try to develop a simple Todo app with Meteor+Cordova and one with Meteor+React Native.

Should be doable in one week. There you will find already common issues or if it suits your development needs


Thanks for the reply!! Can you explain to me why I would need cordova? Can I just develop a project using Meteor/React and another using React Native/Expo to connect to the meteor app?

One option may be to develop a Meteor web app and then turn it into an installable smartphone / desktop PWA. I use a paid service from (I’m a customer, not otherwise affiliated). They do a great job and make it very easy.

You don’t need Cordova if you choose React Native/Expo.

I think @jkuester was just suggesting you to try them both before making a decision.

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The main benefit of using Cordova is you will only need to develop and maintain a single codebase. This will save you wasted time and effort as Cordova automagically provides you with web, IOS and android apps.

You have been tasked with developing a web application, so I doubt you need to develop native only features too ?

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If you don’t have to use a native-only feature, PWA can be installed as:

  • mobile webapp
  • desktop webapp
  • android app from play store
  • ios app from app store
  • windows app


I don’t use cordova. I only have Meteor app running at subdomain.

For mobile apps, I have used free .

Mobile apps are for WeKan Open Source kanban

Meteor based WeKan Server FOSS code is at GitHub - wekan/wekan: The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at only.

WeKan is available as installable app at Android, Windows desktop MS Store, and Ubuntu Touch OpenStore. I have not yet done iOS app with pwabuilder.

For Ubuntu 16.04 based Ubuntu Touch, not using pwabuilder, URL is defined at app source code here:

For Ubuntu 20.04 based Ubuntu Touch, URL is defined here: