Does anyone have experience outside of the “big guys” (stripe, braintree, paypal, etc)?
I’m working on a “contest based” app and even though it isn’t gambling at all, stripe and other seem hesitant to give it their full backing.
Does anyone have experience outside of the “big guys” (stripe, braintree, paypal, etc)?
I’m working on a “contest based” app and even though it isn’t gambling at all, stripe and other seem hesitant to give it their full backing.
Are they hesitant or did they say no? Can you tweak your model so that it’s compliant? Sweepstakes, Lotteries and Contests are regulated by a lot of federal and state gambling laws. To avoid any appearance of impropriety, it is recommended that sponsors avoid conducting their own drawings or determining the winners of their own contests.
Have you looked into all the laws around this industry? Promotional campaigns are governed by the laws and regulations of the state in which the contestant lives. For example, Colorado, Maryland, Nebraska, North Dakota, Vermont all prohibit purchase requirements even if the contest winners are selected based on skill.
There is a lot of opportunity in the world; i’ve advise again building a business on the outskirts and borderlands of legal acceptability. You’re just asking for trouble in terms of payment processing, chargebacks, lawsuits and potential arrest.
While I am not specifically recommending simplex, there are payment processors who effectively take a large fee as insurance for “zero fraud” (i.e., non-reversible credit card payments). They will process your payments, but expect a 5-25% fee.
Stripe, Braintree, Paypal, etc. actually are concerned with businesses with high reversals, not necessarily because of the particular kind of app it is.
Hey Max, unfortunately stripe denied already.
sorry to hear that, but in all honesty it’s probably an industry best avoided if the financial service providers consider it problematic.
If you want to try I know a good guy there who set us up. We eventually moved to other providers, but we were with for many years.
How about trying cryptocurrency?
The target market probably isn’t keen on using cryptos.
Not bad trying them for payment processing. I have been using this one for crypto news and updates