Best Meteor packages to use for project?

Hi all,

I’m working on creating a educational/interactive app for a project. The app will need to be engaging and very interactive and also let users create a profile for themselves! The app will need a CMS or some type of system to manage users, posts, etc. It will require login/register form and integration with facebook, allow users to comment. Also, it will need some way to track a users progress, for example, the right answer to a question, how long they stayed on the site, when they last visited the site, etc.

I’m new to meteor and would like to know if anyone could recommend some really good packages to get up and running. Thanks!

The app will need a CMS or some type of system to manage users, posts, etc

You will need to develop this yourself. There are a few “admin” packages but IMO they are not ready for general use.

It will require login/register form and integration with facebook

More packages to check out:

  • atmospherejs/useraccounts
  • Eric has alot of GREAT stuff: atmospherejs/aldeed/ (note the number of downloads).
  • A necessity: atmospherejs/iron/router
  • atmospherejs/meteor/email
  • atmospherejs/twbs/bootstrap

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Good luck!

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I recommend flow-router over iron-router, it is much easier especially for your application.

other packages that can be very useful:

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Thank you @ssparacio and @cottz. These are all really good plugins, great recommendations! As for the CMS, are there any packages out there atall all or information on how to create one from scratch? Thanks!