Best way to grab each subcategory?

I want a way to display Subcategory and those items that belong to the subcategory underneath it using a list or materialiecss collection. I don’t want to repeat subcategory a bunch of times, so I came up with this helper function. This gives me all of my subcategories and ensures I don’t post. But, how do I get the other items that are associated with this subcategory only and display them properly? Can somebody show me how to do this in meteor?

-------item 1
------ item 2
------item 1
---- item 2

     cats: function() {
            var everything = Uploads.find({'metadata.category':}, {fields: {'metadata.subcategory':1}}).fetch();
          var subs = [];
          for (var i in everything) {
  return _.uniq(subs);

Your data structure is pretty complicated, I guess. I assume you have some kind of parent/child connection.

There is similar question (and answer) on SO:

I hope this will help you.

And how are these “other” items associated? Cause you did not describe your data structure at all.
If it is part of Uploads, it should be quite easy

cats: function() {
    var everything = Uploads.find({'metadata.category':}, {fields: {'metadata.category':1, 'itemData': 1 }}).fetch();

    var subs = [];
    for (var i in everything) {

In that for cycle u should check if subs[everything[i].metadata.subcategory] property exist and if not than =[]; before pushing.
And than transform it to normal array using Object.keys so #each can iterate over it.

  <template name="parent">
    {{#each categories}}
      {{> category}}

  <template name="category">
    {{#each items}}
      {{> item}}