Blaze access Template.contentBlock inside Template.onCreated (SO Bounty!)

Note. I already created this a Question on Stack Overflow including a bounty.

Here the original question:

I am writing a custom Blaze block helper with children:

<template name="parent">
	{{> Template.contentBlock ..}}

<template name="child">
	{{> Template.contentBlock ..}}

My intended use case would be to have a Template with arbitrary child nodes, that I define in the html file.


  {{#child id="child1" title="Child 1"}}
    <p>This is content of child 1</p>

  {{#child id="child2" title="Child 2"}}
    <p>This is content of child 2</p>

  {{#child id="childN" title="Child N"}}
    <p>This is content of child N</p>


No problem so far. However, in the parent Template’s onCreated / autorun I want to have access to child templates. I want to use this data to dynamically create in the parent Template elements, based

Template.parent.onCreated(function () {
	const instance = this;
    instance.state = new ReactiveDict();

	instance.autorun(function () {
		const contentBlocks = // how?
        instance.state.set("children", contentBlocks);

    children() {
        return Template.instance().state.get("children");

Where children would be used in the parent template as following:


  {{#each children}}
    do something with {{this.value}}

  {{#child id="child1" title="Child 1"}}
    <p>This is content of child 1</p>

  {{#child id="child2" title="Child 2"}}
    <p>This is content of child 2</p>

  {{#child id="childN" title="Child N"}}
    <p>This is content of child N</p>


What I don’t want is to access the contentBlock’s content (the <p>) but rather get a list of the added child Templates.

Is that possible with the current Template / Blaze API? The documentation is a bit thin on that point.

It is basically the opposite of this post:

Edit 1: Use parent View’s Renderfunction (only partially working)

I found a way to get the parent Template’s children but not their data reactively:

// in Template.parant.onCreated -> autorun
const children = instance.view.templateContentBlock.renderFunction()
	.filter(child => typeof child === 'object')
	.map(el => Blaze.getData(el._render()));
// null, null, null because Blaze.getData(view) does return null

Another approach I found is to used a shared ReactiveVar but both seem to me not clean enough. I just want to get the list of Template instances in the parent’s js code.

Edit 2: Use a shared ReactiveVar (only partially working)

It is possible to use a shared ReactiveVar as long as it is in the scope of both Templates:

const _cache = new ReactiveVar({});

Template.parent.onCreated(function () {
	const instance = this;
    instance.state = new ReactiveDict();

 	instance.autorun(function () {
        const children = Object.values(_cache.get());
        instance.state.set("children", children);

    children() {
        return Template.instance().state.get("children");

Working (but only rendered once, not reactive):

Template.child.onCreated(function () {
	const instance = this;
    const data = Template.currentData();
    const cache = _cache.get();
    cache[] = data;

Not working (child autorun is setting values, but new values are not rendered):

Template.child.onCreated(function () {
    const instance = this;
    instance.autorun(function() {
	    const instance = this;
        const data = Template.currentData();
        const cache = _cache.get();
        cache[] = data;
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I saw your original SO question and am very curious to the answer as well. I might take a look later if I get a moment

There is already one answer but I did not check it yet. However, if this will work I will have a lot of overhead code to be deleted :slight_smile: