Blaze HMR beta.3 is available

Hi, Blaze HMR beta.2 is available.

You can try this integration in apps using Meteor 2+ by running:

meteor add hot-module-replacement blaze-html-templates@1.2.0-beta.2

To also use HMR for javascript files that use the Template api, run

meteor add blaze-hot

Hey, beta.3 is available now including HMR and other changes.

Check the HISTORY here blaze/ at release-2.4 · meteor/blaze · GitHub

I believe we are ready for the final version!


Is anyone successfully using HMR with Blaze? Not much activity on this thread.

I use it. The html portion usually works nicely, the JS part is hit and miss


And what needs to be added to use HMR with blaze?

meteor add hot-module-replacement
meteor add blaze-html-templates
meteor add blaze-hot

The docs aren’t really very helpful in how to develop with HMR unless I’m missing something.

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