Blaze with FlowRouter in Meteor 3?

I’ve been reading about needing to replace Kadira FlowRouter and Kadira Blaze Layout in Meteor 3. I have looked at Vue, React, and others, and still just really love how straight forward Blaze seems to be. I installed a pwix:blaze-layout package for the layout part as well.

That said, I’m a bit lost on how to use it with the ostrio:flow-router-extra package. And I’m now sure about a Blaze Layout replacement.

I setup my applications as follows:

My FlowRouter routes are all in the routes.js file under the lib folder. I have this setup with Blaze in the latest Meteor 3.0.3, but I keep getting the error There is no route for the path: / in the console on the browser, and of coursse, nothing loads on the page.

Any tutorial or write-ups on how to set this up in the newer Meteor would be great. I’m not sure what else you may need in order to help me get things setup and working honestly.

Ostrio Flow router somehow crashes with Blaze 3, downgrading to 3.9.0 makes it work again.

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I guess I misunderstand.

i have tried to set blaze-html-templates in .meteor/packages/ to be version 3.9.0, but it gives an error when I try to start the meteor process again.


Sorry for confusion, I wrote not precise enough. You have to set ostrio:flow-router-extra to 3.9.0.

v3.11.0-rc300.1 does not work with Blaze 3.0.0 · Issue #115 · veliovgroup/flow-router · GitHub