Broken tutorial - WhatsApp Clone with Ionic 2 and Meteor CLI

I was unable to compile the tutorial

following the steps…error as follows…

Errors prevented startup:

While processing files with barbatus:typescript (for target web.browser):

Unknown compiler option ‘baseUrl’.
at convertCompilerOptionsOrThrow
at validateAndConvertOptions
at new TSBuild
at packages/barbatus:typescript-compiler/typescript-compiler.js:58:21
at Array.forEach ()
at TypeScriptCompiler.processFilesForTarget (packages/barbatus:typescript-compiler/typescript-compiler.js:52:21)

While processing files with barbatus:typescript (for target os.osx.x86_64):

Unknown compiler option ‘baseUrl’.
at convertCompilerOptionsOrThrow
at validateAndConvertOptions
at new TSBuild
at packages/barbatus:typescript-compiler/typescript-compiler.js:58:21
at Array.forEach ()
at TypeScriptCompiler.processFilesForTarget (packages/barbatus:typescript-compiler/typescript-compiler.js:52:21)

Stuck here… any help appreciated!

I have the same issue . Tried countless times to follow all sort of tutorials and installing all the boilerplate projects I found. It seem to be a problem with new 1.6 version and the integration with Angular.

The only boilerplate project that I found to be running is of Meteor ver. and Angular 4.4 :

I have put a link to this in the angular-meteor github repository:

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Try with angular2-compilers:

meteor add angular2-compilers

This package comes with Typescript support built in and is recommended in the up-to-date tutorial on

coagmano, I did all of that and it didn’t work

Tried again a lot of combinations.
The only one I managed to work good is: => angular-meteor/examples/MeteorCLI/bare/

1.Clone the rapository
2. Copy the angular-meteor/examples/MeteorCLI/bare part to your --preffered dir-- (only this example worked)
3, cd --preffered dir–
4. meteor npm install
5. meteor

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thanks a ton!! for your effort and the post.
I tried to make an android build, with android sdk 26 and java 1.8x. did u have any luck with building mobile app?

It was very scary when the published tutorials are breaking…

Not into mobile right now. Sorry

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hi doronm,

I cant import less/css files in the angular4 boilerplate.
I tried to import like import ‘./view.less’; tried with styleUrl (angular style…), but nothing seems to work.
Can you please share if you manage to import the styles?


Not much of an expert bot found another boilerplate that did work well with angular5 :
Urigo/angular-meteor => angular-meteor/examples/MeteorCLI/bare/

I had the same issue.

meteor update --all-packages

worked for me.