Build Android on Linux, Metoer 1.6.1 results in cordova-plugin-customurlscheme fail

Since upgrading to 1.6.1, we are unable to build for Android.

Cordova error: Cannot find plugin.xml for plugin “cordova-plugin-customurlscheme”. Please try adding it again.
at new PluginInfo

Thing that have been attempted over the last two days:

  • Remove and add this Cordova plugin back again. This results in the first build appearing to succeed, in the sense that no errors are logged. But… no APK is generated. The second attempt reverts to the aforementioned behavior.
  • meteor reset
  • Lots of NPM cache cleaning, reinstalling, even checking out the whole project from git again. No impact.

After 3 solid days…

The secret trick here was:
meteor remove-platform android
meteor add-platform android
meteor reset