Building Meteor App For Production

Hi Everyone,

I really need some helps please.

I’m trying to deploy my app on Google Play following this tutorial:

After building my app, I don’t
seem to see ‘. deploy’ directory.

Please, is there another way to deploy on Google App Engine.

Please Help

Thank yap much in advance.

You could build the app on desktop and deploy it. Read this thoroughly

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
I will look into it.

Google Play is different from Google App Engine :smiley:

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My Bad @rjdavid. I can’t wait to see my app up and available on Google Play.

In fact, I’m trying to build my meteor app, Building apk then submit it Google App Engine.


In case you still need help on this, I have a little “script” that I follow every time I want to upload an app on Google Play (based on the Meteor Mobile guide).

1 - Run meteor build ../build --server <your_app_url>
This will generate a build folder.

2 - Copy android-release-unsigned.apk from its directory inside the build folder (~/build-output-directory/android/project/build/outputs/apk/) to the root of the folder (~/build-output-directory/android/).

3 - Using the command line, navigate until the root of the build folder and run: keytool -genkey -alias <your_app_name> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

4 - Next, on the command line run jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 android-release-unsigned.apk <your_app_name>

5 - Now comes the trickiest part. You have to know where to find the “Android/sdk” folder in your computer. Usually its in Library. So the next thing you’ll do is run the following command:
Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/28.0.3/zipalign 4 <path_to_your_build_folder>/build/android/android-release-unsigned.apk <path_to_your_build_folder>/build/android/<your_app_name>.apk
This will generate a <your_app_name>.apk file that is ready to be uploaded on the Play Console.

6 - Open Google Play Console, create a new app and on “Versions” you will find the place to upload your apk file.


Thank you so much @patrickcneuhaus.
That’s what I did and I successfully upload the apk on google play and publish the app.

But something really weird happened, after downloading the app from playstore, the
App does not connect to wifi.

Do you have any thoughts about this?

Hi @patrickcneuhaus
Thank you so much for your help.
I figure out that I have to place my bundle app on a server under a hostname []

I successfully deployed the app on galaxy.
Next thing I have done is running this command ::

Meteor build. /output. - - server

Please let me know if i am doing something wrong because it still not working. :thinking::roll_eyes::pensive:
Thank you so much

For generating .aab format for optimal android release here’s blog
