Call template inside template problems

My apk worked fine until I started routing it… So now I have a
problem whit calling a template inside template. I have this template

<template name="glavni">
        <nav class="flex-kontejner-row-space-between">
         <a href=""><div class="flex-deca nav-div"></div></a>
            <div class="flex-deca">
               <div  class="nav-div-2">
                <a href="{{pathFor 'početna'}}" class="nav-div-2-a flex-deca">Предлози</a>
                <a href="{{pathFor 'ONama'}}" class="nav-div-2-a flex-deca">О нама</a>
                <a href="" class="nav-div-2-a flex-deca">Контакт</a>
    <!-- -->
      <div class="flex-kontejner main-div">
          {{> yield}}
    <!-- --> 
    <footer class="flex-kontejner"> <p> <p>Регистрација и пријава:</p>{{> loginButtons}}</p> </footer>


:grinning:_And this is mine starting route, home page:_

<template name="početna">    
     {{> templateSkočko}}

   <div class="flex-kontejner  border-itema-1 ">
           {{#if currentUser}}
                <h2> Ако желите да предложите о чему бисмо дискутовали на следећој конференцији можете то урадити овим путем:</h2>       
                {{> UnosPredloga}}

     <div class="flex-kontejner-row">

           {{#each Podaci}}

                <div class="flex-kontejner border-itema"> 
                 {{#if currentUser}}
                  {{> glasajDugme}}
                  {{> PodaciT}}
                    {{> PrikažiMe}}

                 {{#if currentUser}}                     
                   {{> KomentarForma}}
                <div id="{{this._id}}" style="display: none;" class="flex-kontejner"> 
                 {{#each komentari}}
                   {{> PrikazKomentara}}
                 {{#if YouShallNotPass}}
                   {{> BrisanjeKomentara}}

                 {{#if YouShallNotPass}}
                   {{> obrišiDugme}}



Now, when I am at my home page I can see everything, including {{>
unosPredloga}} , but I can’t see {{> podaciT}} witch is my main
posts and I can’t see all other templates… What caused this problem?
Thanks for help!