Callback whenever subscription receives data, but before local collection is updated

Does anyone know what the best approach is to run a callback whenever a subscription on a client receives data, whether it’s update or insert or delete, but before the local collection is updated. Say clients insert document A then B then C, on the server when it receives B it decides to merge B with A and delete B so they’re consolidated into a single document. On the client I want to run a callback whenever A and B and C were inserted, but also when A was updated by being merged with B (and subsequently B was deleted). I need to run a bit of code when the subscription data is received on the client but before the local collection is updated.

I found it buried in the docs, figured I’d leave it here in case it helps anyone else. Collection cursors have .observe() and .observeChanges() callbacks.

So you can subscribe and react to changes in queries like this

let postsCursor = Posts.find({}, {sort: {timestamp : 1}, limit:20 });
  added: function(doc) {
  changed: function(newDoc,oldDoc) {
  removed: function(oldDoc) {
  movedTo: function(doc,fromIndex,toIndex,beforeDocId){

And you can use observe together with a local-only collection where you mirror/consolidate the original client/server collection.