I was checking my bundle, because it’s becoming rather large. Thereby, I discovered that something related to apollo, is including phantomjs. Does anyone know which package is responsible for this, and if it can be removed? It will save 65 mb on a container.
Screenshots are made on Windows, but the build was made on a linux machine. Thereby I have a follow up question; can I somehow prevent the windows and darwin binaries from being included in the bundle? It will save another 46 mb on the container.
I guess that’s because phantomjs doesn’t live in my default node_modules folder either. It’s only present in the meteor build. Also in my development .meteor/local/build * folder, but not in ./node_modules. Thereby, it looks like it’s installed by meteor. I just don’t understand why.
Same for the apollo-engine binaries. Why do I need all binaries in my bundle, when I’m specifically targeting Linux with --architecture=os.linux.x86_64?
* exact path is: .meteor/local/build/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/apollo/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt