Can we create a project with Meteor < 2.12 to support Vue 2?

Is there any way to build a working meteor project from source using a version of Meteor less than 2.12?

It appears that Vue 2 is not working in any available version of Meteor 2 as described in this stackoverflow.

We have an important, complex, project in meteor 2.9 w/ vue 2.6. We must be able to show some new proof-of-concept functionality to secure the funding to possibly support migration to Meteor 3. We must be able to build this PoC on a new server, which requires installing from source, not just limping along with our working 2.9 production server. We’re desperate.

I’m reasonably sure it would work if we could build a new project using a version of meteor less than 2.12 (at least the reports of this problem began with 2.12), but meteor create helloworld --vue-2 --release=2.(11|10|9) yields Meteor 2.X: unknown release..

Hi @anderson2wav you can use your terminal to see wich official releases are available:

$ meteor show METEOR

For your specific usecase the releases available are

2.10.0   January 13th, 2023
2.11.0   March 2nd, 2023

For these you might try with the .0 in order to create the project.


I wonder if Meteor 3 can make Vue 2 compatible again using vite :thinking:

@jorgenvatle do you see any way to integrate with vue2 without big extra effort?

I used Meteor 3 with Vue 2 + Vite briefly; not enough to say confidently it’s bug free, but enough to not panic and move onto the more intense Vue 3 + Vuetify 3 migrations (mostly a Vuetify problem, they changed a lot of APIs)

Note I didn’t have any more usage of the Vue Meteor Tracker plugin by that point, I had largely migrated to using the setup API (not the script setup tag, at that point), and I was using TanStack Query in lieu of subscriptions too.