Cannot publish meteor module

When I’m trying to update my meteor module with meteor publish command, following error occurs:

meteor publish                                    
=> Errors while publishing:

While uploading documentation:
error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Could somebody give me a hint, what might be the problem?
Thank you

I can not release the new version of the module. Could somebody help with the error message, please?

are you logged in? If you type meteor whoami does it give you your username?

@khamoud, yes, I am logged in:

$ meteor whoami      

Here is the full output log during the publication

$ meteor publish 
   Updating package catalog                  \
   Selecting package versions                \
   Building package miktam:loggly            \
   Publishing the package                    /
   Pre-publishing package miktam:loggly      \
=> Errors while publishing:
While uploading documentation:
error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

The same error occurs when I’m trying to update any of my modules, and even when I’m trying to create the new module from scratch. Seems like the issue with Atmosphere, but I assume that many more authors would submit this issue, which does not seem the case.

Any help greatly appreciated.