Can't connect to the database with authentication

Hello to all .
I enabled authentication because I want to access my server database remotely.
And I created a user for my meteor database with the following information:

use meteor

    user: 'user',
    pwd: 'secretPassword',
    roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db:'meteor'}]

Now I can easily remotely access the database from outside the server: from vscode :

and this is success

But my meteor software itself has a problem and can not connect to the database

I tried the following methods:

"MONGO_URL": "mongodb://user:secretPassword@",

 "MONGO_OPLOG_URL": "mongodb://user:secretPassword@",
"MONGO_URL": "mongodb://user:secretPassword@",

 "MONGO_OPLOG_URL": "mongodb://user:secretPassword@",

And other combinations
But it does not work.

Please Guide me

Does it work without MONGO_OPLOG_URL?

I did two things to make it work:

First, I gave the user I created access to the local database, and I created the user this way from the beginning:

    user: 'user',
    pwd: 'secretPassword',
    roles: [
            { role: 'readWrite', db:'meteor'},
            { role: 'readWrite', db:'local'}

Second, I set MONGO_URL and MONGO_OPLOG_URL like this :
And I do not know exactly what MONGO_OPLOG_URL does

  "MONGO_URL": "mongodb://user:secretPassword@",
        "MONGO_OPLOG_URL": "mongodb://user:secretPassword@",

I do not know exactly what the problem is, but it was fully explained in the link below :

That looks right. I think you could get away with having the role to local DB be just read.

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