Can't get a basic example of selectize.js (with custom options) fully working in meteor. Any help appreciated!

I am trying to implement a tagging system UI almost exactly like the one seen here on meteor forums (with dropdown menu of tags, colored squares, and descriptions) After some googling, I have come to the conclusion that selectize.js ( is one of the richest and most actively managed libraries for accomplishing tagging.
I have tried installing selectize in two ways

  1. adding the meteor package “jeremy:selectize”
  2. installing js in client/lib and stylesheets in client/stylesheets (css files) respectively. Neither install allowed me to create custom options.

Right now I am trying to get very basic example working taken directly from the selectize.js docs but the dropdown menu and custom options are never generated.

----------HERE is my implementation in a meteor project----------

      maxItems: null,
      valueField: 'id',
      searchField: 'title',
      options: [
        {id: 1, title: 'DIY', url: ''},
        {id: 2, title: 'Google', url: ''},
        {id: 3, title: 'Yahoo', url: ''},
      render: {
        option: function(data, escape) {
          return '<div class="option">' +
              '<span class="title">' + escape(data.title) + '</span>' +
              '<span class="url">' + escape(data.url) + '</span>' +
        item: function(data, escape) {
          return '<div class="item"><a href="' + escape(data.url) + '">' + escape(data.title) + '</a></div>';
      create: function(input) {
        return {
          id: 0,
          title: input,
          url: '#'

<!-- html -->
<template name="hello">
<select id="select-links" placeholder="Pick some links..."></select>