Can't run meteor in production / minify project

Hello, Could someone please help me debug this issue ? When I deploy live my files are easily visible and not minified. When I try to run meteor --production for test I get following errors:

eval at (/Users/admin/.meteor/packages/standard-minifier-js/.1.2.2.vwa14x++os+web.browser+web.cordova/plugin.minifyStdJS.os/npm/node_modules/meteor/minifier-js/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:28:1),
:1547:18: SyntaxError: Unexpected token: name (version)
at new JS_Parse_Error (eval at
at js_error (eval at
at croak (eval at
at token_error (eval at
at unexpected (eval at
at semicolon (eval at
at simple_statement (eval at
at eval (eval at

Any help would be appreciated …!

Can someone pleasse help with this!!!

For anyone who experiences the same issue with --production failing or non-minified files showing on production this finally fixed it for me.

Remove the current "standard-minifier-js@xxxx"
Meteor install standard-minifier-js
Meteor update -all–packages
now run application.
You can do the same for the std-minfier-css
-Also make sure your mup.json file has debug set to false, and env to production

(If still doesnt work, create a new meteor project somewhere then check the versions of minifiers, then ensure your packages match those versions.)
I hope this helps someone out there as it took me months and multiple threads on here (with no solution) to finally fix.


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