Can't seem to combine FB credentials with Amazon S3 credentials in setting.json file

Hi every,

So I have been trying to ge this set-up but I can’t seem to get it working.

Both Amazon S3 and Facebook require me to have they credentials in the setting.json file.

But when I try to combine the two, nothing seems to work.

What am I doing wrong?

I now get a “settings.json: parse error reading settings file” error.

	"AWSAccessKeyId": "keyId",
	"AWSSecretAccessKey": "secret"
  "public": {},
  "private": {
    "oAuth": {
    	"facebook": {
        	"appId": "appID",
        	"secret": "secret"

I have also tried to combine the two like this:

  "public": {},
  "private": {
  	"aws": {
	"bucket": "ec2016",
    "AWSSecretAccessKey": "secret",
    "AWSAccessKeyId": "keyId",
    "region": "eu-central-1"
    "oAuth": {
    	"facebook": {
        	"appId": "appId",
        	"secret": "secret"


When I remove the whole FB part Amazon S3 works perfectly but when I try to combine the two nothing works.