Chatra | Live chat and offline messaging for businesses 💬

Hey everyone,

We have a new case study featuring Chatra! :tada:

Chatra was founded by Slava Olesik, Yaakov Karda, Maria Karda, and Artem Polikarpov in 2015. The app was developed in about six months using MeteorJS!

Their beautifully-designed, easy-to-use live chat and social messaging tool for small and medium-sized businesses allow brands to connect with their target audience in real-time or asynchronously.

Last year, Sendinblue acquired Chatra, along with analytics company Metrilo and Shopify notification pusher PushOwl, for a total of $47 million.

Click here to read their whole story.




I was a customer of Chatra. Never realised it was done with Meteor!!! Congrats on a great job.