Check if id exist in another document GraphQl/Meteor

I’m working on a GraphQl-Appolo project, I have two documents ( Laptop, LaptopState)
LaptopState will contain a collection with only an _id, so i user can have many laptop, at the moment i can get all user’s laptop i need to go through the _id of the laptop and see if they exist on the document LaptopState or not and return true or false.

Laptate: {

    type: GraphQLBoolean,
    resolve: async (_,{ lapId},{ userId}) => {
      if (!userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error(401, 'Unauthorized');
      const laptops = await Laptops.find({ superUser: userId }).fetch()
      for (let lap of laptops) {
          for (let lapId of lap._id) {
           const checkLapState =  LaptopState.findOne({ "_id": lapId}).fetch()
          if (!checkLapState) {
            return false

          } else {
            return true


LaptopState Document.json look like this:

    "_id": "88baC2AOT1f1nIvyk7",
    "creationDate": {
        "$date": "2018-06-21T07:57:24.085Z"

I want to display a result like this :

  "data": {
    "LaptopState": [
        "name": "Laptop1",
        "_id": "HEDGz2aafs2UdSvT3S"
        "name": "Laptop2",
        "_id": "88baC2AOT1f1nIvyk7",