Check static ip from galaxy server api calls

I have created a web application and an API application using meteorjs, and i implemented an API call from my web application server side function using fetch package to my API application, for security check i have implemented a middle-ware function to check the ip address of request. (My apps are deployed in galaxy and i have enabled IP whitelisting) ,
when i checking the ip from request its not showing the static ip address, it just showing the galaxy local ip, how can i get the static ip of galaxy from the request object which is sent from meteor app server side method using fetch package.? Thanks in advance.

here is my code,


  • Check IP [Middleware]
    JsonRoutes.Middleware.use(function (request, response, next) {

    const ALLOWED_IPs = Meteor.settings.public.allowed_ips;
    const ipAddress = request.connection.remoteAddress;
    console.log("Remote IP: "+ipAddress);
    console.log(“IP not allowed.”);
    return false;