I download CK editor in website and paste it in public folder. After that I include it in main.html
‘script type=“text/javascript” src="…/ckeditor/ckeditor.js">
`script type=“text/javascript” src="…/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js">
‘script src="//tinymce.cachefly.net/4.0/tinymce.min.js">
I continue use it:
‘textarea name=“content” id=“content” type=“text” value="" placeholder=“Your contents” class=“form-control” rows=“5"
and in js files:”
But then I run server it can’t work and the error is jQuery should be loaded before CKEditor jQuery adapter. Please help me!!
Why don’t you use one of the many ckeditor modules available?
meteor search ckeditor
Matching packages:
charcolios:angular-ckeditor CKEditor directive for AngularJS
lsun:ckeditor Latest version CKEditor loaded via CDN
nekoanz:ckeditor CKEditor wrapper for meteorjs
nekoanz:ckeditor-advance CKEditor(advance) wrapper for meteorjs
pikiwix:meteor-ckeditor-jquery Last version of CKEditor with the jQuery Adapter
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