Click-outs from Instagram to Meteor websites don't work

Hi, whenever I want to access Meteor websites from an Instagram link on my phone (be it an ad, a story or bio link) I´m redirected to the desktop version instead of the mobile version. Any ideas how to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance!

I think the best would be to provide a URL of the website, or 2 URLs if you serve mobile and desktop on separated URL.

What do you mean by ‘Meteor websites’? Meteor does not create mobile versions by itself. Do you have an example of a link? Are the links you talk about leading to your Meteor site?

Yes, sorry for the confusion. Of course I mean my websites, which, in fact, are responsive. For instance, if I access them via my safari mobile app, I’m correctly directed to the mobile version. However, when accessing them via Instagram, I’m not directed to the mobile version.


That sucks dude :slight_smile:

Try contacting Instagram developer support.

Just kidding, we both know that doesn’t exist.

When making integrations with some big company’s platform, where they want to surveil user’s activity in a web view, you basically need to serve a custom tailored page for them. Explore some user agent middleware or share a special link.