Clinical Track - RC18 - Geomapping; ProviderDirectory; P2P Sync

Hey, happy to announce that we just finished up an Argonaut sprint, and the results are release worthy. So we were able to squeeze in an extra iteration in this quarter. :slight_smile:

FHIR Conformance Statements - Touchstone Tests
The Argonaut ProviderDirectory scripts required the FHIR Practitioner, Organization, Location, and Endpoint resources. We simply implemented REST APIs to the spec.

Reference Implementation(s)

Once we had the Locations with lat/lng, the obvious next step was to add Google Maps and wire up the geolocation functionality. After that came user interface for the Practitioner and Organization resources; and a kiosk-ready menu for display in a waiting room.

Peer To Peer Sync
Meteor on FHIR servers now support basic peer-to-peer autosync functionality. More p2p and mesh network functionality is on the roadmap, including peer discovery, server capability statements, blockchain ledgers, openID, and OAuth autonegotiation.

But for now, if you set the upstreamSync and disableOauth fields, you can enable Practitioner, Organization, and Location sync between datalakes. We’ll be hooking this up to cron soon, and have nightly replication and syncing across the Symptomatic network.

  "public": {
    "meshNetwork": {
      "upstreamSync": "", 
      "autosync": false
  "private": {
    "disableOauth": true

Software Development Kit
Download the entire Clinical Meteor Software Development Kit, including examples, utilities, design documents, and other resources.

git clone --recursive ClinicalMeteor

Packages Confirmed to Work Together
Each release, we publish a list of packages that are known to work together. As we migrate to NPM, we now have two supported package lists that we are keeping under QA. Use these two files as a baseline for which packages to use.

Atmosphere Package Reference
NPM Package Reference

Although not necessary to use the individual packages or FHIR resources, you can synchronize an app to the baseline distro by running your app with the --release flag.

meteor --release clinical:METEOR@1.4.2-rc18

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
Meteor support for the HL7 FHIR spec can now be included in a project by adding the clinical:hl7-fhir-resources package.

meteor add clinical:hl7-fhir-resources

For individual FHIR resources, use the search command or Atmosphere.

meteor search clinical:hl7-resource
meteor add clinical:hl7-resource-patient  // to add the Patient resource

Pending On Roadmap

  • Ethereum Blockchain Audit Log
  • Cerner FHIR Resources
  • Open mHealth Schemas
  • Node/Python bindings

Validation/Verification Tests
550 validation tests on Meteor on FHIR Interface Engine
130 verification tests across 36 distro packages
118 verification tests across 40 FHIR packages