Code editor of choice?

I’m surprised to hear you use a text editor Arunoda, I was under the impression that had mastered the force and you were willing your code into existence :sunglasses:


I think I might be! One of the interns last summer used it as well.

Everyone else is just too cool for Sublime I guess.


Sublime Text Editor 3 - This is my go to. It’s fast and I like launching subl. I’ve installed package manager and Slava’s meteor support. I wish meteor would have more support though. eg) Termnal and debugger.

Atom’s Meteor Support is good. I’m starting to use Atom more. As others have reported, it takes way to long for it to load. This is true of Ubuntu and Windows OS.

WebStorm debugger works well, but slows down Google Chrome. The addon and WebStorm seemed so clunky on my Arch. What are your results?

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Webstorm and VIM depending on whether I’m gonna focus on a project or just hack a file quickly. I also like ST, but usually end up using VIM since I already have a terminal open.

Has anyone tried Light Table?? I remember seeing it on Kickstarter a long time ago.
No one has mentioned it so I take it that it’s not really anywhere near as good as WebStorm.

Great tip!
I had ‘meteor snippets’ added - but didn’t know there was another package I could use. Thanks!

Edit: I have tried a few times, can’t get it working :frowning:
tried everything mentioned here too

I tried VIM with cmather’s setup but I switched to Atom recently. Webstorm is to heavy for me.

I give all kinds of editors a try form time to time but always end up using Sublime Text.

I thought he had his own scribe writing everything down as fast as he can speak…


Webstorm for the 3-way git merge magic and JS aware code click through.

I use Emacs for everything

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I used sublime text previously, it is a great text editor, however I only use Webstorm now. It’s not visually the best looking IDE as far as the fonts go IMO (could be because I use the Linux verion, haven’t seen it on Mac/Win), but it really sped up develmonet time for me. Having the server side JS debugging right in the IDE helps a ton as well.

Atom. The price is right too.


I’ve been using Sublime Text for quite a while. And as an old friend of mine used to say “any editor is better than a new editor.”


Started with ST2, tried Atom, Brackets, Adobe’s Edge Code, and WebStorm. Now I’m back to ST3.

Atom wasn’t finished enough for me and didn’t have the package numbers to keep me
Brackets is cool, but didn’t have enough customization/features I was use to with ST
Edge Code is ok if you’re an Adobe nut, and it has some Brackets features built into it I believe
WebStorm is probably the best IDE I’ve used, but at the same time it was almost too much. I found the extra steps slowed down my dev time. Although maybe if I had used it longer I would get use to it. It also took forever to index on a new Macbook Pro, and blocked me from editing for a few mins every time it indexed (pretty often). Might be able to fix that by blacklisting some of the files that don’t need to be indexed every time?

ST3 is perfect for me; speed, every package you need, great distraction-free UI, few bugs, extremely customizable, etc.

no, Evan uses ST3 as well. So do I and Avital when we are on Windows. (However, lately I chose to use an unconfigured vim from a cygwin bash from cmd…)


+1 for Atom… it looks nice, has a nice add-on package ecosystem… and it’s Free :smile:

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Atom in OSX and Vim for quick edits in a terminal


+ST3 together with Meteor Snippets, All Autocomplete, AutoCompleteJS Plugins. And Neovim.

Sublime Text fast and has Meteor snippet installing via Package Installer.
I love to use it with terminal.

Webstorm comes second to speed but more powerful in navigating.

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