Codova-Android HCP issue in 1.8.1(Solved)

Need some advice. I am trying to move to the latest version of Meteor for my production. Everything was fine when I moved to, the HCP was working perfectly well on Android …except problem with Swift for ios , so had to move to 1.8.1, but now the HCP process fails for me on Android for my application. I have attached the output below. It comes up nicely first time, but as soon as a change is done, it is unable to find a version to revert to.

=> Client modified -- refreshingI20190509-20:49:18.027(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:16.941  6874  7196 W MeteorWebApp: Loading asset bundle from directory file:///data/user/0/com.stppeify/files/meteor/Downloading
I20190509-20:49:19.709(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:18.624  6874  7202 I MeteorWebApp: Finished downloading 4d1d5d88d08ee64a7820a2a6b90c631595ae2309
I20190509-20:49:19.745(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:18.659  6874  7002 I MeteorWebApp: Switching pending version 4d1d5d88d08ee64a7820a2a6b90c631595ae2309 as current version.
I20190509-20:49:19.931(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:18.846  6874  6942 W MeteorWebApp: Asset / found in bundle 4d1d5d88d08ee64a7820a2a6b90c631595ae2309:file:///data/user/0/com.stppeify/files/meteor/4d1d5d88d08ee64a7820a2a6b90c631595ae2309
I20190509-20:49:20.061(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:18.975  6874  6942 W MeteorWebApp: Asset /my.css found in bundle c83178ffd9093506264aa570aa22ba22a13bbe86:file:///android_asset/www/application
I20190509-20:49:20.075(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:18.979  6874  6946 W MeteorWebApp: Asset /__cordova/merged-stylesheets.css found in bundle c83178ffd9093506264aa570aa22ba22a13bbe86:file:///android_asset/www/application
I20190509-20:49:20.082(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:18.991  6874  6946 W MeteorWebApp: Asset /favicon-32x32.png found in bundle c83178ffd9093506264aa570aa22ba22a13bbe86:file:///android_asset/www/application

I20190509-20:49:20.416(5.5)? Push: Settings userId "null" for app: Pada6wThoEEBmxGNk
I20190509-20:49:20.494(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:19.409  6874  6946 W MeteorWebApp: Asset /favicon.ico found in bundle c83178ffd9093506264aa570aa22ba22a13bbe86:file:///android_asset/www/application
I20190509-20:49:50.081(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:48.991  6874  7207 W MeteorWebApp: App startup timed out, reverting to last known good version
I20190509-20:49:50.137(5.5)? 05-09 20:49:49.052  6874  7207 W MeteorWebApp: No suitable version to revert to.

I have tested also with creating a completely new app, but here the HCP seems to work perfectly fine. I am stuck trying to figure out what is missing or causing the problem and it is difficult to figure out. I am suspecting the change done to 1.8.1 for ’WebAppLocalServer.switchToPendingVersion may be causing the problem. But I am unable to find any clues. Anybody else facing similar problems.

Any help will be very much appreciated…Thanks.

Solved it and it was a more of trial and error with little help from debug information.

I was using a package called meteorhacks:inject-initial for showing a loading screen at startup while meteor is loading. It seems for some reason either it is blocking the new package from coming up or Meteor.startup does not get fired to remove the initially injected string. Removing it fixed.

If anybody has an idea to fix and make the inject-initial work it would be great.