Collecting of v3 Docs Issues

Hey there,

did you ran searches in the docs and received this a lot lately?

I want to collect some searches that result into these problems.

For me this happened in particular, when entering specific API methods, such as

  • Accounts.createUser →clicking the first link from the results
  • Meteor.loginWithToken →clicking the first link from the results
  • Accounts login handler → third entry (containing facebook in preview text)
  • DDP call → first entry
  • Email.sendAsync → first entry

What I see for those results leading to the 404 page is, they all have no category labelled under the results.

Furthermore, the results for some major categories are not present. Simply enter the following terms in the search:

  • Accounts → should list at least link to
  • autoupdate → should at least list as result (but instead lists some subsection of it)
  • publish → links to meteor publish which is good, but should also link to

Also, is it intended to link to the 2.x guide? When visiting Accounts | Docs there is a line

Read more about customizing user accounts in the Accounts article in the Meteor Guide.

which actually links to Users and Accounts | Meteor Guide which is obviously the old 2.16 guide.

From my end this looks like the docs need a full revision. As a newcomer or foreign developer this might look unprofessional and intimidating, concerning the efficiency to work with the documentation.

Please let me know if I rather should move this to GitHub instead.

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Yeah, the docs have not received as much care as we wanted.

The search has the issue with Algolia–we need to write the crawler to index it correctly.

We still have not migrated the guides to the new docs framework; that is the reason, too, why it is still being linked there.

The whole docs migration started to have a new visual, and we could adjust a few things as we moved, but many things were just moved to the new docs without much revision because I just did not have the context.

The guide one is a thing we need to revamp.

That would be nice! To have it as either a discussion or an issue.

Let’s continue on Github: Docs v3 issues · Issue #13611 · meteor/meteor · GitHub

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