Collection-fs not working on Galaxy (works locally)

We are using collection-fs to upload data to s3, and are receiving the following error when attempting to upload on Galaxy (this works locally though):

2016-02-25 17:54:45+01:00Error: ENOENT, open ‘/app/cfs/files/_tempstore/docs-tLi22ssBfJRKRsJZa-0.chunk’

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

Can you paste in your collection initialization code? I’m using this (with an S3 store) on Galaxy and it works just fine. My guess is you can’t write to the file system?

Imports = new FS.Collection('imports', {
  stores: [
    new FS.Store.S3('imports', {
      bucket: 'touchmail',
      folder: Meteor.settings.public.mode,
      transformWrite: importCSV,

Oops forgot this:

var s3 = new FS.Store.S3('docs-s3', {
  bucket: process.env.CFS_S3_BUCKET, //required
  region: 'ap-northeast-1', //optional in most cases
  // accessKeyId: 'account or IAM key', //required if environment variables are not set
  // secretAccessKey: 'account or IAM secret', //required if environment variables are not set
  // ACL: 'myValue', //optional, default is 'private', but you can allow public or secure access routed through your app URL
  // folder: 'folder/in/bucket', //optional, which folder (key prefix) in the bucket to use

//    transformWrite: encFile,
//    transformRead: decFile,
Docs = new FS.Collection('docs', {
  stores: [new FS.Store.S3('docs-s3')],
  filter: {
    maxSize: 12 * MB,
    allow: {
      contentTypes: ['image/*'],
      extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg']
    onInvalid: function (message) {
      console.log('file upload error: ', message);

      // message is not i18n-alized, so we have to hack it a bit
      var errorMap = {
        filetype: 'not allowed',
        filesize: 'too big',

      _.forOwn(errorMap, function (msg_stub, err_type) {
        if (message.substring(message.length-msg_stub.length) === msg_stub) {
          var localized_msg = i18n('enroll.documentUpload.wrong_' + err_type);
          return false;
Docs = new FS.Collection('docs', {
  stores: [s3],
  filter: {
    maxSize: 12 * MB,
    allow: {
      contentTypes: ['image/*'],
      extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg']
    onInvalid: function (message) {
      console.log('message: ', message);
      throw new Meteor.Error(406, '[Error] Upload File: ' + message);