Hello Astronauts!
Maybe someone could have a look into my code and find out, whats going wrong and why I get this error:
W20150710-19:08:20.423(2)? (STDERR) app\server\minecraft.js:66
W20150710-19:08:20.423(2)? (STDERR) }).run();
W20150710-19:08:20.423(2)? (STDERR) ^
W20150710-19:08:20.423(2)? (STDERR) ReferenceError: Items is not defined
W20150710-19:08:20.423(2)? (STDERR) at app\server\minecraft.js:65:9
I defined the Items Collection in my lib/collections/items.js file and trying to insert into that Collection using a Fiber, so I really do not understand whats wrong…