Collections insert doesn't work, even with Meteor.bindEnvironment on the server!

HI there, I’m quite new to Meteor, sorry if this is really dumb!

Basically, I am trying to get a wss feed going from Poloniex, and update a collection with it so that I can have ‘latest’ prices in a collection, I have for now called Maindb. I got the wss working and am just trying to insert some of the data in the collection to see if it works, but it doesn’t and I can’t figure out why!

Note: The collection works, I’ve manually inserted a record with the shell.

Here is the code I have now:

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import * as autobahn from "autobahn";
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'
import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'

Maindb = new Mongo.Collection('maindb');
Maindb.schema = new SimpleSchema({
  place: {type: String},
  pair: {type: String},
  last: {type: Number, defaultValue: 0}

Meteor.startup(() => {
  var wsuri = "wss://";
  var poloniexConnection = new autobahn.Connection({
	  url: wsuri,
	  realm: "realm1"

 	poloniexConnection.onopen = Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(session) {

		var tickerEvent = function(args,kwargs) {
			Maindb.insert({place: 'Poloniex', pair: args[0]});

		session.subscribe('ticker', tickerEvent);		

		poloniexConnection.onclose = function () {
	 		console.log("Websocket connection closed");



The console logs the data feed, but the insert doesn’t work.

Does anyone know what could be happening ? I tried wrapping the tickerEvent function in the Meteor.bindEnvironment without success.



var tickerEvent = Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(args,kwargs) {
	Maindb.insert({place: 'Poloniex', pair: args[0]});

tickerEvent is fired asynchronously so that should be wrapped. The onopen callback doesn’t need bindEnvironment I think.

Thanks! That is what I had done initially, but when I do that not even the console.log works.

Solution found! The tickerEvent has to simply come outside of the onopen handler, and wrapped in the

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import * as autobahn from "autobahn";
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'
import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'

Maindb = new Mongo.Collection('maindb');
Maindb.schema = new SimpleSchema({
  place: {type: String},
  pair: {type: String},
  last: {type: Number, defaultValue: 0}

Meteor.startup(() => {
  var wsuri = "wss://";
  var poloniexConnection = new autobahn.Connection({
	  url: wsuri,
	  realm: "realm1"

		var tickerEvent = Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(args,kwargs) {
			Maindb.insert({place: 'Poloniex', pair: args[0]});

 	poloniexConnection.onopen = function(session) {

		session.subscribe('ticker', tickerEvent);		

		poloniexConnection.onclose = function () {
	 		console.log("Websocket connection closed");



Is it only Collection inserts that need to be wrapped in a fiber? I only get errors around the insert statements.

import Transport from 'autobahn';
import Fiber from 'fibers';
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';

class WAMPConnection {
  constructor(onOpen, onClose) {
    const url = Meteor.settings.poloniexWAMPURL;

    this.connection = new Transport.Connection({url, realm: 'realm1'});

    this.connection.onopen = (session) => {
      if (Meteor.isDevelopment) {
        Meteor._debug('Connection established');

      this.session = session;
      return onOpen && onOpen(this);

    this.connection.onclose = (reason) => {
      if (Meteor.isDevelopment) {
        Meteor._debug(`Connection closed ${reason}`);

      return onClose && onClose();

  subscribe(name, next) {
    if (this.session) {
      return this.session.subscribe(name, next);

  subscribeTicker(next) {
    if (this.session) {
      return this.session.subscribe('ticker', (args) => {
        const [pairId] = args;

        try {
          const value = parseFloat(args[1]);
          const ask = parseFloat(args[2]);
          const bid = parseFloat(args[3]);
          const trend = parseFloat(args[4]);

          const fiber = Fiber(() => next({pairId, value, ask, bid, trend}));

        } catch (err) {
          throw err;

export default WAMPConnection;

// then subscribe anywhere you wish
import WAMPConnection from './connection';

const Connection = new WAMPConnection((connection) => {
    connection.subscribeTicker(({pairId, value}) => {
      iterateBots(pairId, value);

@aadams Yes seems only inserts posed problems, the rest works.

@mrzafod amazing, thank you ! Will try this ASAP