Component suggestions for forms-and-tables-heavy line-of-business app

No, I totally get that. It does still feel like React is kind of shoe-horned into Meteor with glue and tape. :slight_smile: Iā€™m sure (I hope) MDG is working on that, though.


Yep, I have no doubt when they finish up, theyā€™ll have delivered a great integration. But when they do, when they doā€¦

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To some extent, yeah. Your reactive business logic is limited to getMeteorData, but of course render will re-render based on changes to the data returned by getMeteorData. And there are some glaring bugs as well.

For me, Meteor+React didnā€™t really stick until I started using @luisherranzā€™s MeteorFlux packages (meteorflux:dispatcher, meteorflux:reactive-state (Flux pattern), meteorflux:appstate (Redux pattern)). Now everything can communicate and function the way I want it to, without having to do insane things like pass callbacks four levels deep as props.

Oh yes, and then there are the mixed opinions revolving around whether or not meteor requires or indeed should not get flux patterns.

It is really very tiring and frustrating to have to do research, evaluate things and form opinions everyday, instead of getting things done. On top of that, finally feeling one day like the master of meteor universe and the next like a complete newbie just does not help :wink:


Oh I feel like an idiot with this stuff on a daily basis. :wink: Donā€™t sweat it. Weā€™re all constantly learning, which is difficult considering how quick tech changes these days!

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Yep, I wish it did not change for a change :wink:

Itā€™s been a couple of months since this conversation and Iā€™m wondering how people have been finding React for line of business apps? This sort of work with lots of forms and tables is very much our bread-and-butter stuff and weā€™re really torn on whether to start our Meteor adventure with React or stick with Blaze for now and see what happens after 1.3.

@awatson1978 you mentioned a project migration to React, has that started and has it gone well?

@serkandurusoy did you find a solution that gave you some or all of the features from Autoform in React?

In the end, Iā€™ve decided that blaze is ā€œeasierā€ for a line of business
app where the main two ā€œcomponentsā€ are ā€œtablesā€ and ā€œformsā€ and there
are lots of those, and not much of anything else. Tabular and autoform
make it almost too easy. Oh and I also find that a good pattern for
adding/editing/viewing is to do it within a modal and not leave the
"list" page for those actions.