Conditionally wrap every 3 elements into the div in templates

Hi guys!

I have a small problem here.
To follow the layout i need to wrap every 3 elements into the div with “row” class.
So, this one i’ve got in my head immediately, but it’s not working (obviously)

{{#each addIndex latestProducts}}
    {{#if isNewRow index }}<div class="row">{{/if}}
      <div class="one-third column text-center"></div>
    {{#if isNewRow index }}</div>{{/if}}

Yeah, i’m stupidly tried the first thing i’ve got in my head, and tried to search any solution, thats what i’ve found:

There was reasonable explanation by avital why it’s not working, i’ve tried to search meteor-talk for proper solution, but no success.

Also, tried to dig a bit in block helpers documentation, but still have no idea how to handle that.

Any suggestions?


Blaze trips over the opening/closing HTML elements in conditionals (my own wording). You will have to massage the data in your addIndex helper to actually spit out an array (rows) of arrays (columns)

{{#each addIndex latestProducts}}
 <div class="row">
 {{#each column}}
  <div class="one-third column text-center"></div>

Exactly! after spending some more time on the problem, i’m came to the same thing:

  1. Template helper returns splitted(by rows) array like
  return [[a,b,c], [d,e,f]]
  1. In template
{{#each latestProducts}} <!-- already grouped by 3 -->
  <div class="row">
  {{#each this}}
     <div class="one-third column text-center">
        <img src="{{image.thumbnails.medium}}">

Thank you so much for your reply! really appreciate that!