Hi guys!
I have a small problem here.
To follow the layout i need to wrap every 3 elements into the div with “row” class.
So, this one i’ve got in my head immediately, but it’s not working (obviously)
{{#each addIndex latestProducts}}
{{#if isNewRow index }}<div class="row">{{/if}}
<div class="one-third column text-center"></div>
{{#if isNewRow index }}</div>{{/if}}
Yeah, i’m stupidly tried the first thing i’ve got in my head, and tried to search any solution, thats what i’ve found: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/2090
There was reasonable explanation by avital why it’s not working, i’ve tried to search meteor-talk for proper solution, but no success.
Also, tried to dig a bit in block helpers documentation, but still have no idea how to handle that.
Any suggestions?