Configure chimp with browserstack

Hi, i try to configure chimp together with browserstack. I could not find any documentation on chimp so I was wondering if someone here could help me.

I added this to my config file.

module.exports = {
  user: "",
  key: "",
  port: 80,
  host: "",
  name: "meteor",
  os: 'Windows',
  os_version: '10',
  browser: 'chrome',

and start chimp with "chimp .config/chimp.js --mocha --ddp=http://localhost:3000 —path=tests"

it starts chimp and browserstack but then it fails with this output.

$ chimp .config/chimp.js --mocha --ddp=http://localhost:3000 --path=tests

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[chimp] Running...

WARNING: the "timeoutsImplicitWait" command will be depcrecated soon. Please use a different command in order to avoid failures in your test after updating WebdriverIO.
WARNING: the "timeoutsAsyncScript" command will be depcrecated soon. Please use a different command in order to avoid failures in your test after updating WebdriverIO.
  1) "before all" hook

  0 passing (12s)
  1 failing

  1)  "before all" hook:
     Uncaught javascript error: Meteor is not defined
JavaScript stack:
ReferenceError: Meteor is not defined
    at logout (eval at executeAsyncScript (:453:5), <anonymous>:3:3)
    at eval (eval at executeAsyncScript (:453:5), <anonymous>:4:4)
    at eval (eval at executeAsyncScript (:453:5), <anonymous>:4:29)
    at executeAsyncScript (<anonymous>:453:26)
    at <anonymous>:469:29
    at callFunction (<anonymous>:361:33)
    at <anonymous>:371:23
    at <anonymous>:372:3
  Error: javascript error: Meteor is not defined
      at Context.<anonymous> (tests/helpers/fixtures.js:17:11)
      at node_modules/chimp/dist/lib/utils/fiberize.js:24:12
      JavaScript stack:
      ReferenceError: Meteor is not defined
      at logout (eval at executeAsyncScript (:453:5), <anonymous>:3:3)
      at eval (eval at executeAsyncScript (:453:5), <anonymous>:4:4)
      at eval (eval at executeAsyncScript (:453:5), <anonymous>:4:29)
      at executeAsyncScript (<anonymous>:453:26)
      at <anonymous>:469:29
      at callFunction (<anonymous>:361:33)
      at <anonymous>:371:23
      at <anonymous>:372:3

Anyone an idea what I’m missing?