Configure LESS / SCSS order in final stylesheet

I have a project that has both SCSS and LESS files, it sucks, but refactoring is a non-starter for the moment.

The SCSS is from a framework we use, but we use LESS for individual components (Blaze/VanillaJS).

We also use greedy loading, which I cannot turn off… I know…

The issue I have is that the LESS files are being processed BEFORE the SCSS, so all of my component level styles are being replaced by the framework, and I REALLY don’t want to use !important all over the place.

What are my options? Tell me I need to refactor so I can convince my boss to let me spend my time doing it please…

EDIT: I still am wondering if I can configure this, but I solved my issue by using: input[type=“text”].foo where .foo overrides the frameworks input[type=“text”] rules because css…