Confused with Mustache lang and Template

I get all keys of my array on the left column instead of each one at every raw consecutively.


Instead, I would like to have this below, how can I do it.

        attack 	decay 	sustain 	release 	gain   	frequency
pt 	3.59408 	3.59408 	3.59408 	3.59408 	3.59408 	3.59408
eta 	-1.50158 	-1.50158 	-1.50158 	-1.50158 	-1.50158  -1.50158
phi 	0.785895 0.785895 0.785895 0.785895 0.785895 0.785895
charge 	    -1 	    -1 	    -1 	    -1 	    -1 	    -1

So pt, eta etc. are appearing in my table one by one, and not all in every row.

Here is my HTML

                {{#each key in dataKeys}}

Function to get keys of my array:

function getKeys() {
        var keys = items => Object.keys(items) );
        return keys;

And helper:

 'dataKeys': function(key){
            return getKeys();