Constraint http@1.0.8 is not satisfied by http 2.0.0, Constraint accounts-password@1.0.0 is not satisfied by accounts-password 2.0.1, Constraint accounts-base@1.0.0 is not satisfied by accounts-base 2. Facing issue while upgrading meteor2.2.4 to meteor2.3

While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint http@1.0.8 is not satisfied by http 2.0.0.
Constraints on package “http”:

  • http@~2.0.0 ← top level
  • http@1.0.8 ← cfs:file 0.1.17 ← cfs:ui 0.1.3 ← nnguyen82:autoform-file 1.0.0
  • http@1.4.2 || 2.0.0 ← mrt:salesforce 1.4.1
  • http@1.4.2 || 2.0.0 ← mdg:meteor-apm-agent 3.4.1

Conflict: Constraint accounts-password@1.0.0 is not satisfied by accounts-password 2.0.1.
Constraints on package “accounts-password”:

  • accounts-password@2.0.0 ← top level
  • accounts-password@~2.0.0 ← top level
  • accounts-password@1.0.0 ← ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 1.2.89

Conflict: Constraint accounts-base@1.0.0 is not satisfied by accounts-base 2.0.1.
Constraints on package “accounts-base”:

  • accounts-base@~2.0.0 ← top level
  • accounts-base@2.0.0 ← accounts-password 2.0.1
  • accounts-base@2.0.0 ← service-configuration 1.1.0
  • accounts-base@1.9.0 || 2.0.0 ← alanning:roles 1.3.0
  • accounts-base@1.0.0 ← ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 1.2.89
  • accounts-base@1.7.1 || 2.0.0 ← mrt:salesforce 1.4.1
  • accounts-base@2.0.0 ← accounts-oauth 1.3.0
  • accounts-base@1.7.1 || 2.0.0 ← matb33:collection-hooks 1.1.0

Here is my meteor list

accounts-oauth 1.2.0* Common code for OAuth-based login services
accounts-password 1.7.0* Password support for accounts
alanning:roles 1.2.19* Authorization package for Meteor
aldeed:autoform 5.8.1* Easily create forms with automatic insert and update, and automatic reactive valida…
aldeed:autoform-bs-datetimepicker 1.0.7 Custom bootstrap-datetimepicker input type with timezone support for AutoForm
aldeed:collection2 2.3.2* Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the client and server.
aldeed:moment-timezone 0.4.0 Timezone support for moment.js, packaged for Meteor. See Moment Timezone | Home.
aldeed:simple-schema 1.3.1* A simple schema validation object with reactivity. Used by collection2 and autoform.
aldeed:template-extension 3.4.3* Adds template features currently missing from the templating package
arboleya:electrify 2.1.4 Package your Meteor apps with Electron, and butter.
benjaminrh:jquery-cookie 0.1.0 A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies.
blaze-html-templates 1.1.2* Compile HTML templates into reactive UI with Meteor Blaze
cfs:access-point 0.1.49* CollectionFS, add ddp and http accesspoint capability
cfs:filesystem 0.1.2* Filesystem storage adapter for CollectionFS
cfs:gridfs 0.0.34+ GridFS storage adapter for CollectionFS
cfs:standard-packages 0.5.10* Filesystem for Meteor, collectionFS
check 1.3.1* Check whether a value matches a pattern
cordova:com.cordova.plugins.fileopener 1.0.1
cordova:cordova-plugin-file-transfer 0.4.3
cordova:cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 0.5.3
cordova:phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner 2.0.1
dynamic-import 0.6.0* Runtime support for Meteor 1.5 dynamic import(…) syntax
ecmascript 0.15.3* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
ejson 1.1.1* Extended and Extensible JSON library
email 2.0.0* Send email messages
force-ssl 1.1.0 Require this application to use HTTPS
gquemart:meteor-reactive-fullcalendar 1.0.1 Meteor Reactive - Full-sized drag & drop event calendar (jQuery plugin - v2.1.1)
ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 1.2.89 Bootstrap-styled accounts-ui with multi-language support.
iron:router 1.1.2* Routing specifically designed for Meteor
jeremy:geocomplete 1.8.0 Geocoding and Google Places Autocomplete Plugin
jeremy:selectize 0.12.1_5 Selectize is a hybrid of a textbox and

I think you will need a local copy of:

  • ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3
  • nnguyen82:autoform-file

in order to fix the version of http and accounts-baseYou are probably going to be fine just changing the version number in the copied packages.As these packages were not updated until now I’m assuming they are no longer maintained.

Hi filipenevola ,Thanks for your reply.
the package * nnguyen82:autoform-file no longer available so i have added meteor-autoform but facing following errors

While selecting package versions:
error: No version of aldeed:autoform satisfies all constraints: @5.4.0, @=7.0.0
Constraints on package “aldeed:autoform”:

  • aldeed:autoform@5.4.0 ← top level
  • aldeed:autoform@=7.0.0 ← top level
  • aldeed:autoform@4.0.0 ← aldeed:autoform-bs-datetimepicker 1.0.0
  • aldeed:autoform@5.5.1 ← nnguyen82:autoform-file 1.0.0

, and i have added local copy for * ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 1.2.89 but still seeing the error

  • accounts-password@1.0.0 ← ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 1.2.89
    Thanks in advance.