I am trying to look at the contents of a Meteor package for learning purposes. I think it would be useful to see how other people have tackled certain problems.
For example. If I want to look at aldeed:tabular, I search all the files for the files that relate to that but i only get back:
> .meteor/local/build/programs/server/packages/aldeed_template_extention.js
Wheres the rest of what makes that package?
Hi @cmeekdev - check in your home directory under “.meteor”. So something like: ~/.meteor/packages/[package_name]/[version]/web.browser/packages/*.
Most (not all) packages have a github repo: find the package on atmospherejs.com and follow the github link.
For example, aldeed:tabular is here: GitHub - Meteor-Community-Packages/meteor-tabular: Reactive datatables for large or small datasets
That’s the best place to go to check package contents.