Converting "Microscope" project to FlowRouter and SubsManager, have some questions

First Question

I’m trying to rebuild the Discovering Meteor “Microscope” project using FlowRouter, BlazeLayout and SubsManager, instead of the original Iron Router as a learning exercise. For those of you who haven’t seen it, check it out here

Right now I have the routes for ‘/new’, ‘/best’, and ‘/post/:_id’ but I have a few issues that I’d like some help with

Subs = new SubsManager();

FlowRouter.route('/new', {
  name: 'postsListNew',
  subscriptions: function(params){
    this.register('posts', Subs.subscribe('posts', {
      sort: {
        submitted: -1,
        _id: -1
      limit: 10
  action: function (params, queryParams) {
    BlazeLayout.render('layout', { content: 'postsList'});

FlowRouter.route('/best', {
  name: 'postsListBest',
  subscriptions: function(params){
    this.register('posts', Subs.subscribe('posts', {
      sort: {
        submitted: -1,
        _id: -1
      limit: 10
  action: function (params, queryParams) {
    BlazeLayout.render('layout', { content: 'postsList'});

FlowRouter.route('/post/:_id', {
  name: 'postPage',
  subscriptions: function(params){
    this.register('singlePost', Subs.subscribe('singlePost', params._id));
    this.register('comments', Subs.subscribe('comments', params._id) );
  action: function(params, queryParams){
    BlazeLayout.render('layout', { content: 'postPage' })

As you can see, the ‘/new’ and ‘/best’ routes render the same ‘postsList’ template. In the postsList I want to iterate over each post like so

{{#each posts}}
   {{> postItem _id=_id}}

If I’ve registered the posts subscription in the router for ‘/new’ and ‘/best’, how do I hook it up so that “posts” is an array of the posts provided by that subscription? With Iron Router you’d specify

data: function() { 
    return { 
       posts: function(){ return Posts.findOne(this.params._id); 

at the route level and “posts” in the template would already be set to the value of that, what’s the equivalent of doing that with FlowRouter?

I was able to do it with this helper function on the “postsList” template, but then I’m just re-using the same sort and limit options that I used in the router’s “this.register” which seems redundant.

  posts: function(){
    var options = {};

    // sort posts depending on route
    if(FlowRouter.current().path.indexOf('new') !== -1){
      options = {
        sort: {
          submitted: -1,
          _id: -1
        limit: 10
      options = {
        sort: {
          submitted: -1,
          _id: -1
        limit: 10
    return Posts.find({}, options);

##Second Question

Using the code above, I’m registering a different subscription (using the same publication but different sort/limit options) for the ‘/new’ and ‘/best’ routes with SubsManager, but if I navigate between them the UI doesn’t re-render with the different data. So if I’m viewing ‘/new’, it shows all the newest posts, but if I navigate to ‘/best’ from there it still shows the newest posts. If I refresh the page on ‘/best’, then it renders with the correct top-voted posts.

If I add a

  triggersEnter: [function(){

to either of the ‘/new’ or ‘/best’ routes, then it displays correctly when navigating between them but the screen flickers since it appears to be re-fetching the subscription data. Or if I just don’t use SubsManager and use Meteor.subscribe it works, but I’d rather be caching data locally. How do I use SubsManager to cache the data, but still be able to navigate between two routes that use the same publication with different sort options?

Thanks :slight_smile: if anyone has already gone through the exercise of rebuilding Microscope using FlowRouter, BlazeLayout and SubsManager I’d love to see your code! If not, I’ll be putting the project up on GitHub when it’s done to help others who are in my shoes.

I’m not sure if that answers your question, but I just refactored Telescope to use FlowRouter and SubsManager. It might be useful to look at the codebase?

Also, don’t use FlowRouter.current() (it’s not reactive), use FlowRouter’s dedicated API functions instead.

that is definitely very helpful, thanks

although searching for “FlowRouter” yields no results in the repo✓&q=FlowRouter … what’s up with that?

You need to search the devel branch. Not sure if there’s a way to do that in GitHub.

Yeah! GH only search data in the master. @efrancis may be you need to clone and search locally.

I just cloned the devel branch and it looks like it has the same issue that I experienced. navigatin between ?view=best and ?view=top on the client doesn’t change the posts list, but if you refresh the page then it rerenders correctly. btw what’s the reasoning for switching from a /best URL schema to query params when migrating to FlowRouter?

just a follow up, the issue was that I had left one route param check using FlowRouter.current(), which as sacha stated isn’t reactive. once I hunted it down and replaced it with FlowRouter.getParam() everything updated nice and reactively

@efrancis is your codebase public? I’ve been interested in doing something like this but on a much smaller scale than Telescope.



This project is upgraded to Meteor 1.2 and rebuilt using the following packages:

  • kadira:flow-router instead of iron:router for faster, client-side routing
  • arilla:flow-router-helpers
  • kadira:blaze-layout
  • meteorhacks:subs-manager for caching subscriptions on the client
  • meteorhacks:fast-render to send initial DDP data to the client and decrease pageload time

There are different branches in this repo for the different steps of refactoring:

  • v1 is the complete Microscope project from DiscoveringMeteor (written by me as I read through the book so there may be slight differences)
  • v2-w/karidahq-packages is rebuilt using the kadira/meteorhacks packages listed above for better performance
  • v3-local-packages is refactored so that all code is inside local packages for better code organization and separation of concerns
  • v4-microservices [COMING SOON] is rebuilt with microservices using meteorhacks:cluster