“Cordova” cloud with a AWS S3 like API

I’m building a web app that allows the user to build a mobile app from their creations. I’m looking for a cloud service that allows me to send a zip file (or something like that), build the app and return a ID to me. With this ID I could access some app properties and download the generated file, like AWS S3 API does.

I search in google and don’t find nothing like that. Please could someone help me with that?

Detail 1: This don’t need to use cordova. I just put it in the title because I don’t know how to call this thing that I’m looking for.
Detail 2: I found the Phonegap build API, but phonegap only allows 25 private apps in the paid plan.

Thanks for all, Cheers

Services that take “a zip file (or something like that), build the app and return a” link to the resulting artifact would be continuous integration sites like CircleCi or Travis.

My preference is CircleCI. Here’s a recent build of my project.

Have a look at lines 36 & 37 of the command file – the variable ${CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS} is a directory into which you could generate the app bundle and meta-data. It will appear in the build artifacts tab on the same page. So, you can see that I send my execution log to ${CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS}/meteor.log and find it here when the build process completes.

If you are comfortable with Unix shell scripting you will have no difficulty doing anything you need. Even sudo is permitted, and you can SSH into the build container to debug your scripts if anything screws up.

Here’s the documentation for producing artifacts.

You can use the REST API to get the artifacts list and then use jq and grep to get the actual URL you require.

curl https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/warehouseman/meteor-mantra-kickstarter/131/artifacts > artifacts.json
cat artifacts.json | jq -r .[].path | grep meteor.log
# Result ...
#  /tmp/circle-artifacts.IZuCJO5/meteor.log

You might want to feed that into the bit.ly API to obfuscate the link a bit.