[Cordova]hello world app has parse error, how to do properly?

I couldn’t get Cordova to work properly with meteor, so I created a new hello world app with ‘meteor create test’, then I deployed the app to meteor.com and finally built the android app pointing to that server on meteor.com. When I try installing the app on my android devices via ES File Explorer (unknown sources accepted) I still get a parsing error (“There was a problem parsing the package.”). Is there anything I might be missing?

I’m also wondering if it’s possible to build a Cordova meteor app without meteor’s Cordova integration? For example just install Cordova on Windows normally or use something like https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/explore/cordova-vs.aspx ?

id: ‘com.example.matt.uber’,
name: ‘Friendzone’,
description: ‘Easily make friends in your city. Get friendzoned!’,
author: ‘Andreas Galster’,
email: ‘some@mail.com’,
website: ‘friendzone.social’

‘android_ldpi’: ‘icons/drawable-ldpi/appicon.png’,
‘android_mdpi’: ‘icons/drawable-mdpi/appicon.png’,
‘android_hdpi’: ‘icons/drawable-hdpi/appicon.png’,
‘android_xhdpi’: ‘icons/drawable-xhdpi/appicon.png’

‘android_ldpi_portrait’: ‘splash/res-en-long-port-ldpi’,
‘android_ldpi_landscape’: ‘splash/res-en-long-land-ldpi’,
‘android_mdpi_portrait’: ‘splash/res-en-long-port-mdpi’,
‘android_mdpi_landscape’: ‘splash/res-en-long-land-mdpi’,
‘android_hdpi_portrait’: ‘splash/res-en-long-port-hdpi’,
‘android_hdpi_landscape’: ‘splash/res-en-long-land-hdpi’,
‘android_xhdpi_portrait’: ‘splash/res-en-long-port-xhdpi’,
‘android_xhdpi_landscape’: ‘splash/res-en-long-land-xhdpi’

App.setPreference(‘DisallowOverscroll’, true);
App.setPreference(‘Orientation’, ‘landscape’);
App.setPreference(‘Fullscreen’, true);
App.setPreference(‘HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar’, true);

I’m getting the same parse error. Did you figure it out?
I followed these instructions but no dice: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/wiki/How-to-submit-your-Android-app-to-Play-Store